– Participants presenting a paper 70 euro (conference participation, portfolio with conference materials, welcome cocktail, coffee-breaks, lunch and festive dinner, guided tour, as well as the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings);
– Master and Doctoral students presenting a paper 30 euro (conference participation, portfolio with conference materials, welcome cocktail, coffee-breaks, lunch and festive dinner, guided tour, as well as the publication of the paper in the conference proceedings);
– Participants presenting a paper via internet 30 euro (conference participation, Certificate of attendance, publication of the paper in the conference proceedings – for a paper copy of the journal to be send in an European country an additional fee of 15 euro is perceived);
– Attendants without a paper 30 euro (welcome cocktail, coffee-breaks, lunch and festive dinner, guided tour, conference and work-shop attendance);
– Accompanying persons 30 euro (welcome cocktail, coffee-breaks, lunch and festive dinner, guided tour, conference and work-shop attendance),
– Lawyers attending the sections on the 24th of May 100 RON (lunch, coffee breaks, conference programme),
– Lawyers attending the workshop ”Digitalisation of the Business Environment in the Globalization Context” 50 RON.
Registration fees are non-refundable.
− For LEI (RON):
Deţinătorul contului: Facultatea de Drept din Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Referinţă: Eficienţa Normelor Juridice şi numele participantului
Cod fiscal: 11230706
Banca: BCR Cluj
IBAN: RO17 RNCB 0106 0265 7548 0001
− For EURO:
Account holder: Facultatea de Drept din Cluj-Napoca, Universitatea Creştină „Dimitrie Cantemir”
Reference: Efficiency of Legal Norms and the name of the participant
Fiscal code: 11230706
Bank: BCR Cluj
IBAN: RO30RNCB0106026575480155
Registration fees may be payed only by bank transfer.